The 4 Day Work Week… Coming Soon To A Start-Up Near you
Many tech firms have been trialling a 4-day work week whilst increasing remote working and part-time opportunities… or at least these ideas are firing off. With businesses like Buffer, Wildbit and Close this new way of working has already begun but how sustainable is it? The rippling effect of COVID-19 across every single element of […]

Top 10 Free WordPress Themes in 2021
There are hundreds and thousands of WordPress themes out there…too many you could say which can give anyone massive choice overload. Therefore the first thing you want to ask yourself is what does your website need? Some of these themes can be packed with so many juicy plugins and functionality that it makes you forget […]

How To Start Your Own Tech Blog Ultimate Guide for Beginners
Tl;dr Start a blog. It’s your beautiful gift to the world A blog is a great way to record your journey in life, a bit like a digital diary. A tech blog is one where you talk about technology with your own opinions, your personal experiences, things you learn about and anything you decide you want […]