How to Build Resilience When Transitioning Into Tech from a Non-Tech Job

June 12, 2020

Changing careers into tech isn’t just about learning to code or understanding new systems—it’s about rebuilding your identity from scratch. It’s the gut punch of going from being experienced and confident in your field to suddenly feeling like a lost intern who doesn’t know what a terminal command is. When I transitioned from Visual Designer […]


How to Stay Motivated Whilst Studying CompSci Alongside Full-Time Work

June 12, 2020

How to stay motivated when you feel a bit meh.


Turning Your Skills Into a Business: How to Find the Right Idea

June 11, 2020

You can’t start a business without ideas. Sometimes you might have too many. We discover how you can pick the best one.


5 Ways To Help You Focus On On Your Business Idea

June 11, 2020

Everyone knows how to start up a business but what the internet doesn’t tell you is how to choose the right business idea that fits you.


3 Things You Need To Know Before You Launch Your New Business

June 7, 2020

Starting a new business can be tough if you don’t know what you need before you launch. Here’s 3 things you need to know..


How to Start A Business Before You Have Your Idea

May 30, 2020

Starting up a business is great but what if you don’t have an idea yet? Let us help you


[2020] cs50 Pset4 : Filter Step-by-Step Walk Through explained

April 17, 2020

Walkthrough on how to filter an image in greyscale, sepia etc in the edx cs50 course


What to Do During the Toilet Roll Shortage for Corona-virus?

March 14, 2020

The Coronavirus is causing havoc all over the world infecting over 150,000 people and killing thousands. It has the potential to wipe out TRILLIONS from the economy which is rippling fear amongst the masses and causing a shortage in supplies due to everyone stockpiling goods. Apart from overdosing on hand sanitiser, buying masks, cleaning products […]


[2020] cs50 Pset3: Runoff step-by-step walkthrough explained

January 26, 2020

So, 10-20 hours per week they say. LIES! I spent almost 4 days stuck on Pset3 to the point I was about to give up. After trolling the internet, stack exchange, joining the slack channel, the Reddit threads and ALSO the Facebook group. It felt SO good to see this after check50. So… do you […]