Not realising my emails weren’t coming through

December 9, 2019

You wouldn’t think emails were SO important! Once you miss one week of them you’re out of contact and you miss opportunities that may contribute to reaching your goals! In my audio blog I just talk through the emails I received late because my log-in had updated but my Gmail hadn’t so none of them […]


A Platform to Inspire Women To Actively Support Women

November 24, 2019

The ideas and driving force behind Madhat Girls and how to give great first impressions for women who look and act young for their age.


[2019] cs50 Pset2: Vigenere walkthrough explained

September 25, 2019

Well, Vignere took me 3 hours to complete. It hurt me. cs50 did not give anymore hints because they were like “oh you can copy and paste the Caesar code over it’s pretty similar” FML. Whilst I was working on this problem set my colleague who is a developer came over and was like what […]


[2018] cs50 Pset2: Caesar’s cipher solution explained

September 23, 2019

Step-by-step walkthrough of how I solved cs50’s pset2 Caesar’s Cipher algorithm


Protected: Warning ⚠ Your Websites is Insecure 💻 redirect HTTP to HTTPs to fix

September 20, 2019

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.


What is a cPanel & How Do I Use it For My Website?

September 19, 2019

The website management system, “cPanel” will be mentioned a lot on this site so it’s important that you guys grasp the capabilities of what this awesome tool does. It’s basically a super visual interface (a bit like your phone apps) that is used to create, administrate and manage your websites on  🖥 – honestly, that’s […]


[2018] cs50 Pset1: Mario solution

September 5, 2019

I have just finished completing part one of the pset1 of the first week of the cs50 course!  It took me a while to complete 3 sets… I didn’t know whether I was doing it right because I felt like my method was so longwinded and there wasn’t anyone to tell me else wise. I started the course […]


I’m back on Facebook, bitchez!

October 2, 2018

Woah. I nearly took a years break and it felt dammmm good. I had to write on my blog to validate my reasoning somehow otherwise I wouldn’t have felt justified. I had to re-activate my account to use it as a login to app games for my new job. It sounds like I’m making excuses but honestly […]


First day as a designer at my new job in mobile adTech 👩🏻‍💻

September 10, 2018

Today, was the first day at my new job. The coming weeks I was getting super excited as I was at my old company for almost 3 years. It took a lot to tear me away. I wouldn’t have moved on if the new place didn’t have better prospects. I mentioned to the head of […]