Boomtown Fair 2013
So Boomtown was INSANEEEEE! It is still my favourite festival ever the music, the people, the events and just everything was just so fun and you could tell a lot of time and effort had gone into every little thing and the props etc! What’s best about working at the bar was that we literally had access to all areas and we managed to nab free drinks for the whole festival. The bar staff (whilst we were off duty) were so nice and generous ;D We also managed to blag some food and I only spent £1.50 for the entire festival and ended up going home £11 up from my tips. The music was incredible and I want to go back. Thinking about it makes me depressed considering I have been dropped back into the real world! We also had to trek back with our festival luggage from the field area back to the main town, Winchester which was 5 1/2 miles. Eventually I got home at about 11/12 at night and had work the next day. Woke up at 6am as per usual managed to make it to work despite falling asleep and nearly missing my stops on both the train and the tube. When I got to work and the marketing manager was off as she was recovering from dental surgery. I was not only absolutely exhausted having not been able to recover from the festival properly or backtrack on sleep… I also had nothing to do as she’s the one who gives me jobs to do. I felt like death as I was soooo exhausted and so my temperature kept going up and down and I felt extremely light headed and ill. The website manager some how noted how much pain I was in (i think someone told her) and came up to me and asked if I was feeling okay and if I wanted to go home – SAVIOUR! She seriously is an angel! So lovely and I felt blessed that very moment … until my 1 1/2 hour trip home ended on NOT HAVING MY HOUSE KEYS. So I couldn’t even get into my house to sleep! I ended up going to the nearest park and sleeping under a tree for a few hours until my mum got home – I was THAT exhausted that I couldn’t even travel to her workplace to pick some keys up 🙁 Anyways after that I was walking home to wait for her return and then a £5 note flew in front of my path… I assumed it was blown at me by fate to cover for the absolute shite day I had…

Rokit £50 Gift Voucher
Aside from Boomtown work has been really busy as the new website has just launched. As soon as the marketing manager came back I had loads to do and I am now happy to announce it is ALOHA FRIDAY on the 23rd August. It shall be a must for those fashion savvy humans to wear Hawaiian shirts on this very special day! Come into Rokit’s Coven Garden store this friday for free nail art by The Illustrated Nail and get a whopping 20% OFF all Hawaiian shirts across all the stores in London! Also you get a chance to win £50 if you tweet yourself wearing a Hawaiian shirt on the 23rd… you may get bonus points if you’re at work ;D Alohaaaaa