Graduation day at the University of York was fantastic! There were some hiccups along the way, and it was.
Hey peeps, how have you been? I’ve been chilling and preparing for my graduation next week (8th February). So.
OMG, I did it ya’ll I MOFO completed all the levels of York online CS master. I finally handed.
I can’t believe it I can almost breathe the fresh air of freedom. I’ve now officially completed the 10th.
Holy shit. I can’t believe it but I’ve just finished my 9th module, Computer and Mobile Networks (CAMN), from.
Source: Play Old PC Games
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!! I can’t believe I’m saying this but… I’m 70% of the way through this degree. I.
First of all, congratulations you have decided to take on the HUGE commitment to achieve some ambitious goals. Studying.
It’s been a day since I handed in my Research Methods report and I feel buzzing right now.
Gosh, it’s been 5 days since I did the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Exam.. and I’m still a.
HIIII I’m back!! Daym has it really been 9 months since the.
Over the past year, I have been studying a part-time Master’s degree.