[Review] Online MSc Computer Science University of York – Software Engineering [Module 3]
Review of Online MSc Computer Science with Data Analytics at University of York after 3 Modules
Review of Online MSc Computer Science with Data Analytics at University of York after 3 Modules
As some of you may know I’ve been studying a…
This is my first four months review after studying the Online Computer Science Masters at The University of York
My review of my first 2 months studying a MSc Computer Science at University of York online
Walkthrough on how to filter an image in greyscale, sepia etc in the edx cs50 course
So, 10-20 hours per week they say. LIES! I spent…
Here is my step-by-step walkthrough guide with answers to pset3 plurality of the cs50 course.
This is me trying to work out what an earth this uint8_t coding jargon means!
Well, Vignere took me 3 hours to complete. It hurt…
Step-by-step walkthrough of how I solved cs50’s pset2 Caesar’s Cipher algorithm
I have just finished completing part one of the pset1 of the first…
CS50x is an entry-level course to Computer Science ⌨️. With…