Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from failure, or difficulties that you face in your life and is a positive psychological concept.
To some, resilience is an amazing personality trait, something that can heal all wounds and is related to positive outcomes and a better mindset.
When you start working in the world as an adult this keyword will be pulled out of nowhere and slapped in your face to make you feel like you have to be resilient in order to work through struggles in this high-functioning society.
What I’m about to tell you is ground breaking news.
You are already resillient.
You’ve made it this far – I don’t know how old you are or what you’ve been through but I can almost guarantee that you’ve gone through something traumatic, sad or tough at some point in your life and you’ve made it through. Here you are still safe and still motivated to develop yourself.
It’s a great mindset to be constantly looking to develop and I don’t know if you’re going through some tough times now but once you reflect on the times you have gotten over bad times.