Despite now officially being in my late 20s I had the best day ever!
I wanted to go to Kew Gardens to see the Orchid Festival as I’ve not been to Kew during the day time. It was such a beautiful place. It’s huge mainly park-like picturesque place with a couple conservatories filled with beautiful flowers and Cacti. There were also a couple of architectural buildings like The Hive which I wanted to see that was pretty cool and also we walked along the Rooftops Structure!
When we got there we bumped into a couple of people going and grouped together ended up at the wrong entrance. My other friends had been waiting for over 45 minutes at another entrance and I felt bad so I decided to go inside even though Sarah hadn’t turned up yet. I was suppose to be sharing my 2-4-1 offer with her but as we were late and my other friends had been there waiting in the cold for ages. I got a bit impatient and didn’t know how much longer she would be so decided to go inside and meet up with the rest of the group. We all managed to get in and meet up ok and she turned up a bit later really annoyed. She never said anything and was trying to hide it but I could tell she was really mad as she was quiet, short and kept walking off solo. I felt really really bad and selfish :/
Kew was awesome we walked around the beautiful conservatories and checked out the cacti and the random aquarium it had in one of the basements!
After we decided to go back into central for some munch and Will basically planned the rest of the the day lol. We had some banging Korean meal at Bi Bim Bap and then surprised me with this cute ass cake Sarah bought. She had even bought a gluten free cupcake for Nita, so cute!!! I started crying I was so emotional it was so sweet of them there was candles the lights were dimmed and they all sang happy birthday :’)
I opened my presents then we left and went for some drinks at the pub.
After a while Will was like LETS GO TO THE ARCADE – lol. So we headed to what looked like some tacky casino with a bright neon sign that said “LAS VEGAS” I was a bit like like cool okay I’m up for anything hahahaha but then he led us to the side bit downstairs to the basement and there were loads of random arcade machines. There was this sick japanese style game that me Sarah and Ryan played that was a bit like 4 Second fury. WE NEED TO GO BACK!!!
Then we watched Nita and Lucy beat Will & Lewis at pool with some crazy trick shots lool.
I had such a good timeeeeeeeeee and was so grateful for everyone who made it out. Thank you all for an amazing birthday