So I haven’t updated this blog in a while as a lot has been happening in my life. I finished my internship at Rokit Vintage about a week or so back now and I truly miss it and the people. It was an amazing experience and completely hands-on since I was the only designer in the team. I loved every minute of it!
Here’s a picture of some of the warehouse and office crew on “Aloha Friday” day (spot my goon face)!
At the end of my internship, they offered me a paid role but I had already accepted a Web Designer role elsewhere for nearly £10K more in salary. I feel like a sell-out but I guess it was too much to turn down 🙁 … So I am now currently working for a pregnancy/fitness skincare company as a web designer and absolutely love the people! It’s only been a week but I feel really welcomed and we all went out for drinks last night and I had such a good time!
I have been exceptionally lucky that my post-uni life hasn’t been as bad as others; I got an internship the day after I moved back home and then a job. Managing to dodge the high graduate unemployment category has given me hope for the future. I have always had low esteem and faith in my design work. After thinking I was shit for the past 2 years because of a certain tutor who also made my presentation anxiety the worst its ever been, I applied for 10-15 jobs then kind of gave up. Suddenly I was struck by luck and managed to get 3 job offers (even after pathetic, appalling interviews!) I feel so so so grateful for life and mega proud of myself. Having anxiety has always been a problem ESPECIALLY presentations but those…. I could avoid but interviews?? That was something I had to overcome so I feel really happy I’ve managed to deal with it. I am still terrified and it sparks off my IBS (lol).
One thing I have learnt that I would like to share with other designers is that the portfolio is your ‘intro’ as you have to email that off before they even want to meet you. So when they do invite you in for an interview they already know what you’ve got to offer, your skills and your work so you’ve gotten past Round 1. The interview part is usually just to get to know you as a person so just be yourself! There is hope for us all even if our brains are more broken than others!
Apart from that nothing new has happened apart from I introduced my now ex-boyfriend to my ex-job at Rokit Vintage and then…. broke up with him. I feel so bad and I still love him dearly but this moment in my life I don’t have time for a relationship, which sounds like a pathetic excuse. I really do need time to myself to work on my career and rebuild my post-uni personal life and I just wish he understood.
SO yeah that’s all for now! I will be posting more fashion/beauty related posts in the following weeks as I want to get back into blogging ^^