December 23, 2019

Re-Designing Madhat Girls

After many people were coming up to me (boyfriend, fb friends etc) telling me the website links were broken, the images were overlapping on top of the text, people weren’t finding the directory or signing up to errors. I decided to try and completely re-design the website, re-look at the UX and remove redundant sections […]

December 9, 2019

Not realising my emails weren’t coming through

You wouldn’t think emails were SO important! Once you miss one week of them you’re out of contact and you miss opportunities that may contribute to reaching your goals! In my audio blog I just talk through the emails I received late because my log-in had updated but my Gmail hadn’t so none of them […]

September 25, 2019

[2019] cs50 Pset2: Vigenere walkthrough explained

Well, Vignere took me 3 hours to complete. It hurt me. cs50 did not give anymore hints because they were like “oh you can copy and paste the Caesar code over it’s pretty similar” FML. Whilst I was working on this problem set my colleague who is a developer came over and was like what […]